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Thomas P October 26th, 2000 09:05 AM

Klingon fleet
A little large (~140k)

<a href="http://www.concept40.com/galleries/sciartpost/k_wing1.jpg" target="_blank">Fleet attack wing</a>

Masao October 26th, 2000 01:50 PM

Sorry to bring this up so late. Something about this ship hasn't been sitting right with me. I was looking at this pic and wondering if this ship would look better with a larger head. The head has a lot going on with it, but I think it's a bit small. With most ships with necks, the head is wider than the neck. Maybe making the head an ovoid rather than circular in cross section might be interesting.

I think you should put on TOS style Klingon insignia and signage.

Also, I think the planet needs a bit of work. Pictures of earth from orbit usually have higher contrast from shadows and highlights on water.

meshula October 26th, 2000 07:14 PM

If you go to my ftp repo, you can find an earth and moon texture map set including not bad cloud cover. The Earth and moon maps are in the EarthModel folder in my Astrometrics folder.

I love the fact that your atmosphere seems to be about the right size. so many people make these giant haloes that are completely unrealistic.

[This message has been edited by meshula (edited 10-26-2000).]

Thomas P October 27th, 2000 03:04 AM

Thanks guys. I am working on the signage, I have the Jefferies versions of the symbol done but have yet to figure on lettering. I have thought about 'toning down' the details on the forward section but overall the ship is done.

The planet was something I whipped up in about 5 minutes after looking at Tachys psuedo tutorial at SF-A. I have been working variations to come up with a process and material for planets. I realize the detail at close range is not very good - but when was a TOS planet anything more than a) multi-hued splotches or b) a globe with no clouds. http://www.startrek-forums.com/gladi...lies/smile.gif

I do want the detail to be better at close range and am scouring around for textures that can be used. Thanks for the link - it seems to be having problems at the moment (sql errors) but I have detailed earth / moon textures. I was trying to create something that is not an earth hybrid.

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