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Old January 15th, 2003, 11:25 PM   #8
Dark Overlord
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Originally posted by General Phoenix
What I'm more concerned about is the possible effect that Blockbuster's purchasing scheme will have on the DVD's available to us a few years down the road. If you go into a Blockbuster Store tomorrow, you'll see that almost all of the new releases from the last two weeks are available in PAN & SCAN only - no widescreen.

This is going to be a continuing trend, too - just today, I saw over 100 copies of The Bourne Identity delivered to my store, and every one of them was in P/S.

I see little reason to be concerned about this as it is just a case of blockbuster shooting themselves in the foot for short term gain.

TV her ein the states is changing over the next couple of years as the FCC reclaims the airwaves for government usage and people are forced to buy HDTV.

Full Screen P/S looks like complete shazbot on HDTV's because of the TV being wider.

If they are avoiding the subject by pushing P/S instead of taking the time to inform their customers, then they are doing the customer a major disservice.

Hollywood Video clerks will gladly tell you all about the differences. I have seen it on more than one occasion.

I see you said tomorrow on Bourne Identity. I guess Blockbuster is going to make it a habit of breaking street dates. I hope it backfires on them.

Last edited by Dark Overlord; January 15th, 2003 at 11:29 PM..
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