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Old January 16th, 2003, 03:17 AM   #10
General Phoenix
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Thanks, Kakaze - that's what I meant.

The only reason we were told to break street-date on Signs was because several other competitors had already done so, or so I was told. (They don't tell me everything, you know - I only run the place... )

As it was, I didn't have the man-hours available to put Signs out early, anyway. In fact, thanks to delayed deliveries due to New Years, I'd only just received the film the day they wanted it on the shelf. Oftentimes, Blockbuster's left hand doesn't know what it's right hand is doing. :/:

As to what you said about the P/S discs looking like crap on W/S sets, I agree. I'm going to be upgrading to a 52" W/S monitor in a week or two, and I'll be damned if I'm going to put up with the grey bars on the side of my set when I could be watching the film the way it was shot. I've resolved to just buy the movie at BestBuy and get it in W/S, rather than use my employee discount on a lesser version of the film.

Of course, I could be an ass and buy a P/S copy at work, than exchange it at Best Buy for a W/S copy - but I probably won't.
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