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Old August 11th, 2003, 02:49 AM   #21
Chris B
The Artist Formerly Known as XmESs
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Originally posted by Kakaze
I actually know about it because of you. Remember we had a discussion about it one day, I had always assumed it was the Beta symbol, which is basically how it's treated now anyway, but I figured it wasn't right, especially after you told me it was pronounced as a sharp S. So, I went looking and found out it was a ligature. Since then I have become very interested in ligatures, love them, and typography in general. Maybe I'll dedicate my first typeface to you.
respect for keeping it in mind and finsing out more about it, then

ligatures are often neglected by "modern" typograhie, which is sad, really.
i wish i had been accepted at university for design, i could have become a great typographer, but hey...wasn't meant to be. so there..
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