Thread: Art Theft
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Old April 14th, 2006, 12:21 AM   #2
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There's a lot of that going around right now. I was visiting a forum on scifi-meshes earlier that was talking about somebody trying to sell the Star Trek models of a bunch of well-known artists as their own. I hope that guy trying to sell shirts with your art gets banned from E-Bay. Hell, he should be banned from the internet in my book.

It's people like doing crap like that that really gets me mad. 'Cause then the rest of us that want to just download the files/pics whatever have to suffer because the artist might not want to keep sharing their work. I know I wouldn't. Fortunately, my stuff isn't good enough for someone to rip off

The ironic thing is that I just registered over at Colonial Fleets and I was looking at that same artwork this @#$!!! is trying to sell.
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