Thread: Art Theft
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Old June 6th, 2006, 11:46 AM   #18
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Originally Posted by Northwatch
They are a big organization with a million items to police. There is not way for them to cover it all. The only way they know something is wrong is when people tell them. How else do body parts and wifes selling their husbands get on there. Not that I'm standing up for them, it just takes time for them to check things out and as stated before, major companies with complants get more of a response than a jerk selling a t-shirt with your work on it. You could try sueing in small claims court if you want but that will not go far and they know it. It's as much a part of life as that jerk that races his car up the merge lane just so he can cut infront of three people.

Sorry to be so negative but I was cut off twice today and if I had a, I mean a LARGE AIR HORN.....
I get what you're saying about E-bay and them being huge and not being able to police everything on their site. That's not the point some of us were making. The point some of us were making is that, even when stuff is brought to their attention by someone like Warrior (not a huge corporation whose ass they want to kiss) they ignore it.

He told them about this a couple months ago and, as far as I know, they've done nothing about it.

As for the car thing, there's nothing wrong with venting every once in a while. Where do you live that traffic is that horrible? Or was this just an abnormal thing?
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