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Old August 24th, 2006, 06:14 PM   #44
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Evil, Im an old time Trekkie from way back just to let you know. I grewup with TOS then got hooked on TNG. Berman had his hands all over the last 2 clunker TNG flicks. I'm fussy about Trek. I dont take any bone they throw my way and I dont think the fans should settle for second best. They need Patrick Stewart to takeover the franchise or someone like him who would go forward. Berman is the one who wants to keep going backwards. ENTERPRISE the series sucked. Dont get me started lol. I have a very long rant about what Berman did to Trek over the years.
Too bad the fans dont bycott this next film and say enough is enough with this going back in time. Trek is about the 24th Century is it not?
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