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Old November 8th, 2007, 09:41 AM   #73
sgreco1970's Avatar
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heh one thing he could do to revitalize the franchise would be to release the iron-grip on fandom. Ever since they put copyright watchdogs at the conventions, stripped the internet of fan screen caps and sounds (thus destroying st:insv) and other perfectly legal, understandable yet narrowsighted moves, theyve helped fandom dwindle to all but the old guard. If they were smart, they'd return things to the way they were with fan-made props at conventions for sale and screengrabs littered all over the internet -driving fandom and keeping their properties popular and in demand. Oh well, hehe.

As far as this new film? Ive been saying for years they need to retell the originl series with a young, famous cast and big budget fx, much like BSG has done. About dern time. Spock's casting sounds fine, albeit it will be big shoes for any actor to fill, even McCoy's seems fitting. But Kirk? Eh, time will tell but so far he isn't jazzin me. All things considered, however, I can't wait to see this film and hope its good enough to spark many sequels. The only fear is, will it end up like Batman. "Gee, another trek film, cool! But hey, did you hear who's playing spock THIS time?"
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