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Old May 19th, 2008, 05:21 PM   #1
Shuttle Pilot
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Default Confessions of an Old Trekker (Or Trekkie)

First off, I'd like to say hello to what looks like a very active forum. I'm the latest newbie and I'm just getting started into CGI art.

Star Trek has probably had the most profound effect on me than nearly anything else in my life. It's formed my views on politics, religion and even relationships.

Okay, now before I scare everyone off; I'm not the kind of fan that goes to jury duty in Starfleet dress uniforms or has "Kirk1701" on their license plate. When I look back at my 40 years as a Trekker (no, I'm not offended by the term Trekkie) the themes that ran through Trek were issues that we still struggle with today. Issues of war and peace, freedom and acceptance and even love are still as relevant as they were then. Would that the rest of the world could learn from these lessons.

I have hope, however, as even kids as young as I was "back then" are becoming fans of Star Trek. With a bit of luck, they can help the rest of us spread the lessons we've learned from the starship Enterprise.

Anyway, didn't mean to ramble on. Let me know what Trek has meant to you. I'd love to read it.
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