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Old May 26th, 2008, 12:21 PM   #45
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Default Re: "Middle aged" sci-fi movies

Originally Posted by dprisciak View Post
I think the movies before CGI had a more realisic look. Yes you could tell Logans Run was a model but when you had hundreds of extras in The Ten Commandments - it just seems more real.
I think that when CG is used correctly it can be quite awesome (Starship Troopers) but when it's sloppy it ruins the film (Van Helsing).

When I watch 'Logans Run' I think they did a good job for the time period it was shot during but it's very dated at this point. Can CG replace an epic physical set? I don't think so. The scenes in SW:ROTJ are interesting but when I watch 'Conan the Barbarian' I'm pulled from my happy little world into that one because the set design is so awesome.

CG effects, like any other effect (remember the men who did stop motion animation effects hated the latex physcal effects by masters like Rick Baker and Stan Winston) have their place are they're sort of like a spice rack in the kitchen.

Food with no spice = bland.
Food that is overspiced = muddled flavors and not at all good.

I love Rick Baker and Stan Winston style effects and I love CG effects.
When you see a film like Jurassic Park they nailed it with regards to good balance of each. For an effect (CG or otherwise) to be effective, you should not notice that it's an effect.

-steps off the soap box-
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