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Old August 26th, 2008, 12:55 AM   #15
UrbanArmitage's Avatar
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Default Re: Space 1999 - Moon Patrol

Originally Posted by ulimann644 View Post
Please read my post again and you will find out, that I wrote: with the moon and not travel to the moon... ( the typical 5-posts-error - reading and posting too quick... )

Serious: I´m not only a SF-Fan since 29 years - I´m an astronomy-freak to so I really Know that there is no need for a Hyperdrive for travelling to the moon. I´ve also seen the first man on the moon live

BTW please don´t think that other people are too stupid to know basics like this...
Ok so I misread your post. I didn't realise that doing so would 'incite the lynch-mob' around these parts. Why exactly would the fact that I only have 7 posts here have anything to do with misreading your post? Are those that have say 100 posts less likely to misread a post? How about those with 500 posts?

Where exactly did I say that you're too stupid to know basics like this?

I made a light-hearted comment on something that I misread. You may also have missed the fact that the first line of my post was giving positive feedback.

With posts like yours I'd be surprised if they didn't contribute to the count of 5-posters on this forum that just end up becoming dormant accounts.

I'm also not just a sci-fi fan of some 30 years, as I have been an amateur astronomer for quite some time too. If my post had been malicious or ignorant perhaps I would have 'rubbed your nose in it' when I misread your post instead of making light of it. I certainly feel like you tried to 'rub my nose in it'!

BTW please don't think that because I only have 7 posts on this forum that i'm a newbie when it comes to forums, sci-fi or anything else for that matter.

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