Thread: USS Tamerlane
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Old October 11th, 2008, 12:33 AM   #8
Fretslayer's Avatar
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Default Re: USS Tamerlane

Wow that was some interesting stuff!

Ok fist off - if a person lost interest in your project because you used CG elements, how interested were they really? When I see something (or hear something) and it sparks my interest - I don't give a flying wazoo how they did it - only that they did it.

It's all about the story.

I think the look of your comic is really very cool. When I was a little kid (around 8-9) I used to draw my own comics all of the time. They were all scifi but that's because when I was little I wanted to be an astronaut. I think I still do - but only if I can be a pirate-astronaut! LOL!

It sucks that somebody blew you off because of the way your art was done but again, sort of like I said - screw them! I never (and I mean never) did a piece of art or a song to please anybody but myself. If other people got into what I was doing - fantastic - if not, then that's fine too. For every person who's enjoyed either my art or my music there were probably 10 who hated it and wanted me to go away. LOL! - I couldn't care's not about them or for them anyway... It's for me. Your comic is for you. I happen to like it too though.

As for using other people's meshes... In a PM conversation I had a few days back I asked an artist who shared his meshes here if I could use some of them for my Trek film.
He not only said 'sure' but added '...that's why I shared them in the first place.'

When my Trek animation is finished there will be meshes and ships in it that a few of the locals here have crafted. I use a few of Warrior's meshes as well as EG's, Taranis and wjaspers. Without their hard work and excellent meshes I'd not be able to share my story with them or anybody else.

As for the people who get mad because their models get 'stolen' - Some people are cranky and some people are casual - I've found that every single artist whom I've contacted and asked their persmission was cool with me using their mesh. There have been a few who I have not contacted in advance but I always still credit them in my final product.

And again... Don't let that encounter get to you. For all you know it was an Anti-Muse!
LOL! Hey they could exist, you never know!
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