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Old October 16th, 2008, 10:38 AM   #67
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Default Re: trueSpace7.6 at no charge (Free)

That's because the big difference between XP Home and XP Pro is that XP Pro has multi-core processor support, so there were less issues with it than with XP Home (which is what I have on CD.)

It was all on the Microsoft website before they released the SP3 upgrade (it might still be there.) XP (especially XP Home,) had issues with not reading a processor as a DC. It was especially bad with AMD processors, I don't know if there were issues with Intel at all. Apparently, on AMD processors, it wouldn't read both cores, it would only read 1, or it would read the processor as a single core processor running at the speed of the two cores added together, so you didn't get the full benefit of a DC. Microsoft had a patch for this and there was also an optimizer thing you could download from AMD, which I think you needed even if you had the patch. Also, there were issues like some DC computers freezing when they came off of stand-by mode in XP. I'm pretty sure that one was an issue in both versions of XP.

Edit: Yeah, the problem they had the hotfix for. I think that was mostly for XP Home users to fix the problem with it not reading the two cores correctly. You probably didn't need it with Pro.
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