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Old November 1st, 2008, 06:22 PM   #77
Fretslayer's Avatar
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Default Re: Starship Exeter: Exeter Rising" Fan Story mini-series

WinRAR is used to decompress .RAR files.

I read somewhere that if you download DAZ Studio without all of the additional contect (i.e Victoria base) that it knocks the file size way down.

Sorry to hear about the dial-up connection.
I've had broadband for so many years that even last year when I was living in rural Indiana I used a satellite uplink so I could have fast access.

Do you have any friends with broadband who you could ask to download some stuff for you and burn a disc or two? I'm not talking warez/pir8 stuff either - just to clarify - but legal stuff like DazStuido and some of the meshes you'll want to use. I'm sure that would make a huge difference.
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