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Old March 19th, 2011, 09:13 AM   #10
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Default Re: Costner confirmed for Superman

Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 View Post
I don't think he's as popular as he was several years ago, if that's what you're asking. A lot of his biggest hits were in the '90s, most of the stuff he's done since then haven't fared quite as well. He also directs, though, so he might have kept busy on personal projects. Apart from Supeman, he has a movie in pre-production that he's directing and something else. As far as where he sits on the star meter, though, I don't know.

Edit: I just looked at IMDb and Viggo Mortensen is rumored to be playing General Zod. Granted, it's just a rumor and it's not necessarily going to be him but that's another interesting pick. Clearly, whoever is financing this film at Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures isn't worried too much about the casting budget, they're signing some heavy hitters to this film. It will be interesting to see who they cast as Lex Luthor.
yeah thats what I was thinking ... some of his films I like ,, he was always watch able in every thing he has done..

Viggo Mortensen as Zod would be interesting as for a lex Luthor .. I hope its not another Lex story . a minor part from him would suit me..

Kevin Spacey never really made Luthor worth watching for me
great actor but not the right one.. imo anyway.
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