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Old July 24th, 2012, 03:37 PM   #496
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Default Re: Star Trek: Retribution

@BlackXANA28: I thank you for sharing, but that first idea is way too derivative for what I had in mind. (Honestly, the name for the male half that you proposed sounds silly to me, and I stopped reading altogether when I saw the phrase "female digimon")

I am intrigued by the second idea, a Section 31 tie-in would be great, but I can't think of any way to go about what you propose that wouldn't turn the whole film into a flashback. I hated it when Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis did that (those damned "12/24/48 hours earlier" subtitles drove me nuts, and eventually if one of those came up I'd tune out and go do something else).

That's my take on it at least, I'll let the membership around here sound off what they think before I make my final decision. I will add though that this film is going to move fairly quickly (I know I said that about Retribution too but this time I mean it), I'm going to develop my characters as much as I can but I'm not going to dwell on it too much.

With that said:
the theme for this film is obviously going to be members of the cast seeking redemption for their mistakes, so it may be that one of my existing plot threads comes close to what you were thinking: we have Mitchell and Kal not speaking to each other because one of them was unfaithful; we have Ronston and Prentice being chilly to one another because of some unknown falling-out that I'm not planning to get into; we have a scene between Merv Ronston and Kendra Ronston a little ways into the film where we get hints that they both regret splitting up; and 2399 Garr's motivation for this whole outing is the fact that in the future, his wife Kristie was killed when Risa was destroyed by one of the distortions, and his sole purpose in helping the Fitzgerald crew is to undo the damage and get her back; by the end of the film, even though it is going to be a "Reset Button" story, I'm planning to address all of these plot threads and make it a happy ending, in that "they lived happily ever after" sort of way.
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