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Old November 2nd, 2008, 03:42 PM   #115
Robert Simmons
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Default Re: Starship Exeter: Exeter Rising" Fan Story mini-series

Thanks guys..these look nice.

I redownloaded Daz Studio last night and went to bed. When I woke up and tried to onstall it the installer did nothing. So I am not going to wqorry about Daz since the need for it falls later on my list of things to do goal wise concerning the characters. So for now we'll proceed forgetting all that until later.

First off I would like to say a big THANK YOU to you guys for being helpful in the footwork you are providing. My firstchoice if model that i would prefer to use would be Dennis Bailey's Exeter. But it I think is a fair assumption that it is unavailable given how much work he put into it. ( You just don't hand out that kind of investment like candy...) I like his model best even better than Brothune's model of the Defiant seen in "In a Mirror Darkly". The next best I tihnk I've seen thus far would be the one evil genius 180 has made, and if he is willing I would like to use his since it it the closest next to Dennis's to anatomically and overall in it's match to the origional 11 foot shooting model of the TOS Enterprise. I'll check out the lightwave mdole that you mentioned to give it a look first. But as for now.....Until then falls to doing the markings for each ofthe ships. For me it is a mandatory prerequiste that he models match as closely as possible to the 11 foot model in TOS so they will stand out less. I very much like the footwork digging up the models you presented images of here. The one earlier posted looks almost perfect with the exception of it missing the markings. I's also would prefer to not use specularity and alot of hte small lighting like we see in "The Moition Picture" since i am trying to conterfiet 1968 Anderson quality TOS Trek effects shots. We're not talking the same old stock shot angles and beuty passes, but try to match the look as if they had done the shots in these storyboards. (I know that is a tall order. Dennnis's Exeter passes that test for me without all the flaws that pop up in the final optical prints.) That goes for how htey lit the models back in 1968 as well.

So now my focus is now...

1. Getting permisison to use evil genius's 1701 mesh....
2. Modifying it to hte appropriate markings for each ship.
3. finding WindRAR or Winzip to decompress the Klingon model. I tried looking but could not find WinZip orWinRAR. If someone can email it to me I can downlaod it to open the Klingon mesh I have.

4 Then we can start to opening up a Fed modle and begin to manipulate it in Wings like evil genius said and then he or anyone can lead me though how to mode the modle around and the camera and the lighting.

5. Then from there I owuld like to learn to model the phaser, photon and Romulan plasma into the shots with the mdeshes and learn how to nanimate them.

6. Then I would like to then learn to render the shots for final output to flash.

Special note: Even though these will be technically "unfinished" animatics...I would VERY MUCH like to push them to as close as possible to finalized shots as much as possible. That way if nothing else is ever done with them to take them to a full finished level, then they would be close enough to not look bad in rough form.

That seems the game plan. So first on the list is.....

1. Getting permisison to use evil genius's 1701 mesh....

I hope he get's the oppurtunity to downlaod and watch the Exeter episodes to prep reading my stories so he knows what his mesh will be used for. ( That is if he is willing. I can't push faster than things will happen. One step at a time..)

Thank you all......

Last edited by Robert Simmons; November 2nd, 2008 at 03:51 PM..
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