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Old February 25th, 2009, 10:10 PM   #7
Rook3's Avatar
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Default Re: Anyone still a S:AAB fan?

You are of course welcome to your opinion. I can understand the not wanting to "take a chance" on a DVD set you might not remember. Best Buy seems to have it on sale from time to time for about $20 which is what I paid. I hadn't seen it in years before I bought it, and it really brought back a lot of good memories.

What's really funny is the fact my wife HATED it the first time she watched it. And then I got the DVDs and she got hooked.

It was a tich "soapy" at times, but what would it be without some sort of interpersonal drama? A collection of CG space combat shots.

If it were redone today with the upgrades in FX (both CG and practical) a good budget and with a network that doesn't kill new product like TCFox likes to, it might do well.

But then any fan of a given series would say the same about their favorite cancelled show.
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