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Old April 22nd, 2009, 07:21 AM   #13
ArielSzataria's Avatar
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Default Re: Does anyone have a few idiot-level links for Daz/Poser tutorials?

Ah, cool, thanks, an idiot level lesson in how to use the program, awesome

As for my nerve damage, it's kind of emberassing actually. I didn't get mine from an accident or birth defect, I got it from, well, sleeping. No lie. I sleep with my arms folded under my head, prop my head up. Seems the nerves in my arms are placed just so that if I do that for too long (I did, and it was too late when it was discovered) that it would mess the nerves controlling my hands up. So I get fine tremors and occasional small twitches in my fingers when I focus too much (Like when playing video games, can't count the number of accidental firings I did in call of duty 4).

I also have multiple herniated disks in my lower back, and a pinched psiatic nerve....from sitting. Also no lie. But I sit for ridiculously long amounts of time. 12-14 hours a day except short breaks, for writing and artwork. Every day, for years. Needed surgery for it once already. Bleh.
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