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Old June 5th, 2008, 08:59 PM   #108
Fretslayer's Avatar
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Default Re: Star Trek Models and Resources

Originally Posted by dv8_fx View Post
Call it an outlet....

I've bumped into a lot of former musicians in the graphics world. They left music for various reasons. One of which is "I got to feed the family".....

Oh my, fretslayer... that is a bummer...
I'm lucky really.
If you've ever heard of the band Savatage, my friend Criss was their guitarist (and an amazing, amazing one at that!) who was killed in a car accident. A drunk driver killed him. I have chronic pain issues but I'm alive and that's more than some - So that makes my situation much easier for me to deal with.

Plus, it gave me the clarity to find my true path in life...which is actually as a psychologist helping other chronic pain survivors to help themselves.
As much as I loved the live show, it got to the point where I was more interested in the after-show party because I found so much enjoyment just listening to people tell me about their lives. I still play but now I play for a much smaller audience...that and I give guitar lessons to some of the teens in my neighborhood back home. Once they (the kids) know you were a crazy guitarist they open right up and I do a lot of good there too.

Anyway... I don't want to get off topic and get yelled at. LOL!

If you've ever seen Dennis Bailey's 1701-A LWO mesh (the 2001 version), I'm working on making a D|S/Carrara conversion. Warrior was far beyond helpful in assisting me to resolve a texture map issue earlier tonight.
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