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Old March 27th, 2011, 12:29 AM   #225
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Default Re: Star Trek Models and Resources

Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 View Post
Yeah, there's a little production featurette on the DVD (I have the single-disc one, so it should be on the movie disc for the 2-disc set.) In that featurette, they flat-out say that JJ loves him some lens flares and explain the thing about the cameras and what he did with flashlights. I get a little bothered by it also and I almost reached for the sunglasses at one point or another.
The daft thing is somewhere like the conn of a military vehicle, which the ships of starfleet basically are, should be the most ergonomic environment in the world. Reflected glare from one of his thousands of pointless light bulbs could block vital information at a critical moment. They really didn't put much thought into the set design past "Oooh shiiiiney!" did they?

Originally Posted by evil_genius_180 View Post
Time travel movies with paradoxes that are written well work fine (Back to the Future, for example.) However, the writing in Star Trek was suspect. They didn't check their "facts" correctly and did the USS Kelvin totally wrong (for one thing, if you scale it to their BS size of the new E, it's over 600 meters long, roughly the size of the Enterprise-D.) There are so many things "wrong" with the Kelvin scenes that it couldn't possibly be the regular Trek universe, the whole movie has to take place in an alternate reality.
Yes I totally agree. Back to the Future was awesome! But in that case the story was focused around time travel. Star Trek 2009 was a weak writers attempt to remake the series and stuff Leonard Nimoy into the film to give it credibility. Time Travel isn't its focus and it upsets something that has long been established. I was half expecting to see USS Enterpize! Y'know cause JJ is down with the hood and all.
I literally just got through rewatching 2009 Trek and I have to admit its really as bad as I remember. Can't win em all I guess.
Though, and I bare in mind this may not be the correct thread, I gotta ask what was wrong with the Kelvin? Was the model design wrong? (He says trying to make it look like all this has anything to do with the thread)
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