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Old July 21st, 2006, 04:18 AM   #40
Shuttle Pilot
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Posts: 42

I do see the whole battle of Endor as VERY ironic! Not from the story either. I knew what went on BEHIND the scene. It was a corporate circuis horror!

The planet was intended from the beginning to be Kashyk, the wookie homeworld, first off. Then Lucas had kids, and he made the descision to add in whole cloth a new race that was "More cuddly, sort of like teddy-bears to appeal to the younger audience." What younger audience? His four year old daughter?

At the time it was viewed as a gross back-stabbing in the un-holy name of market-share and coporate greed. He kept the story unchanged otherwise (really?) and simply had the three foot tall Ewoks do with 'stone knives and bearskins' what seven foot tall Wookie warriors with Bowcaters and blasters would have done.

Then he marketed the unholy crap out of everything Ewok! Ewok Christmas Specials, Easter Specials, and Tv shows of animated Ewoks to make them even cuter. Ewok games, shows, lunchboxes, figures, underwear, clothes and everything else! It seemed that Star Wars itself was actually forgotten in the Ewok flood following the release of Return of the Jedi.

If you were twenty when Episode 1 came out, you missed the crap about the Ewoks. I was twenty-two when Return of the Jedi came out and still feel backstabbed after all these years.

THAT is why I hate Ewoks.
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