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Old October 26th, 2008, 04:40 PM   #8
Robert Simmons
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Default Re: Starship Exeter: Exeter Rising" Fan Story mini-series

Pick any shot you want .I am trying to stick with the storyboarded angles that I've done so to show as much overall ection in the battle while trying to keep it all cose as possible to the camera. I know i am intending to redo the shots of the attack force firing on the first Romulan and then the next shot where the formation turns toward the next Romualn. I want to do them from the oppisite angle so to get the starships closer in the shot.

Pick any shot you like. It's a smorgusboard. So fill your plate and ENJOY! I'm enthused to see what can be done off the bat.

Note: The animatics do not convey the accurate timing of the shots. They are more of a gneralized representation of the aciton. The aciton is supposed to start slow but graduate up to fast and furious.
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