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Old November 27th, 2003, 02:23 PM   #1
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Default Neanderthalis Sapiens?

A short while ago, I read an interesting hypothesis about homo neaderthalis - Neanderthal Man to you and me. The ubiquitous caveman. According to the author, there are some very strange artefects in the neanderthal skulls that have so far been found that might indicate Neanderthals were actually very long-lived creatures. There's also evidence from comparisons with living humans that suggest they would have had the ability to make complex vocalisations (i.e. talk). I found it interesting, to say the least...

... and it got me in to my creative mood. I love it when that happens. Now I'm developing a strange alternative universe story where Neanderthal didn't die out, but instead survived alongside homo sapiens sapiens - that's us - and became an technologically advanced civilisation. You have to wionder what the world would be like in such a situation.

Anwyay I drew this:

I'm developing it as a comic book proposal for Me, just to see if I can actually get this off the ground. I'll probably publish it through, that is if I ever develop it. I'm sure I will. It's just hard to replicate that face... who's ever tried drawing an almost human face? It's so damn hard!
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