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Old August 7th, 2007, 02:30 PM   #1
Shuttle Pilot
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Join Date: Feb 2003
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Posts: 39
Default “There's something you need to know…”

“There's something you need to know…”

“Oh why did I ever have to fall in love with a Warrior?” asked Cassiopeia, her deep sigh ripping through the confined space of the Celestial Dome. She stood, watching the Cylon fighter pull away from the Galactica, Sheba standing next to her, eyes fixed on the same sight.
“I don’t know,” said Sheba, voice tight, fighting to hold back the tears that she dared not show. Like Cassie, she continued to watch, until the departing fighter was lost among the innumerable stars. After a last look across the Colonial Fleet, and the emptiness of space, she sighed again, and moved slowly towards the hatch.
“Sheba,” said Cassie.
Sheba stopped, turning. The other still stood, hands clasped in front of her, on the platform next to the console. She seemed rooted to the spot. Her arms clasped tightly, self-protectively before her. “Yes?” she replied, aware that she had scant centons until she had to be ready to launch, yet somehow she was reluctant to go. Cassie didn’t answer at once, and Sheba took a step back towards her. The look on the med tech’s face sent a sudden wave of concern through Sheba. “Cassie? What is it?”
“There’s…there’s something I need to tell you,” she said, avoiding the Viper pilot’s gaze. “There's something you need to know…” She sighed heavily. “Oh mong!”
“What is it?”
“You were an only child, right?” asked Cassie almost hesitantly, as if feeling her way for a micron.
The question took Sheba aback. She had to shift thrusters for a micron. “I…uh, yes.” She found it difficult to hold the other woman’s gaze as she explained. “After mother lost her baby, when I was four. It was just me.” She waited a beat, the rumble of the main engines, picking up speed now, vibrating through her boots. Somehow the steady drone gave her strength. “What is this all about?”
“I…we, I mean we’re heading off to a battle. It could be that one or both of us might not survive. Hades, the whole Fleet might…”
“Hey, Starbuck already told me. He doesn’t go on one-way missions, Cassie.” She tried to reassure the other, even though her own doubts weighed heavily on her mind. Hades hole, even Starbuck hadn’t laid odds on this mission. “But that’s not what’s bothering you, is it?” She put a hand on the other’s shoulder. “Please, tell me.”
Cassiopeia sighed, shaking her head and grimacing as if battling internally. “As you know, I met your father a few sectars after your mother died. When he was in a bad way.” She snuck a sidelong look at Sheba, trying to assess the Warrior’s reaction to her words.
“Yes,” replied Sheba, determined not to let old animosities rear their ugly heads. “I know. When he was on furlon, the sectar I first shipped out. He was.....drinking in some bar crying his eyes out, and then......there you were." She frowned slightly, "Cassie, didn't we already clear the air about all this when we were on the Gamoray mission?"
"Not entirely," Cassiopeia took a breath. "And since.....one or both of us may not be alive a few centars from now, I need to tell you *all* of this. No one but you deserves to know this.” She took another deep breath, turning to consider the starscape, the Cylon Raider now far from sight.. “I spent a lot of time with your father. Eventually, it became more than just him and me.” A faint smile touched her lips. “We fell in love.”
“I…I know,” sighed Sheba, her mind flashing back to those days. She had been so resentful. Hateful, even. So adamant that she should be the one offering comfort to her father. Instead, Cain had found it in the arms of a…socialator. And resentful of the thought in her mind that her father was trying to suppress all memories of her mother, believing wrongly, as she knew now, that Cassiopeia had been the one encouraging that. Now, she knew that Cain's devotion to her mother had in fact been the one thing that had kept her father from reaching out to her, since Sheba resembled her mother so much. Cassiopeia had long since told Sheba that she hadn't wanted Cain to bury all reminders of Sheba's mother, and she'd believed the ex-socialator. Since they'd cleared the air about that, it left Sheba puzzled as to what Cassiopeia could be talking about now that she needed to open up about.
“I was so happy.” Cassie continued to gaze at the stars as if somehow she could recapture those distant moments of happiness. “I thought I had found someone at last. Then…” she stopped, a renegade tear spilling down her cheek, which she quickly wiped away. “Then, he shipped out … and the Fifth Fleet was lost, and I…” She sucked in a deep breath, her arms wrapped tightly around her, blinking back the tears and trying to keep the memories at bay as she confessed to Cain’s daughter ….
“You what?” asked Sheba, almost afraid of the answer. She had finally resigned herself to the fact that her father had had a deep, caring relationship with Cassiopeia, and that the woman was actually worthy of his affections, but this stark emotional display was almost too much…it made it too real. Somehow Cain’s disappearance had put the entire relationship in another perspective, as if it was a historical event that she had to accept, and come to terms with. But to actually feel the emotions rolling off her father’s lover …it was almost too much to bear. Especially now, when she was feeling so emotionally exposed already from her confession to Apollo.
“I was so…devastated by losing Cain…even I wasn’t prepared for it.” Cassiopeia sniffed as if deeming her emotional dependence on the Juggernaut a complete surprise…and perhaps a weakness. “It was like losing a part of myself. It seemed as if the whole purpose of life was gone.” Cassie took a step away, putting some distance between them. Her eyes closed tightly as memories flitted through her mind. “ I…I tried to kill myself, Sheba.” She turned, and they looked at each other a few moments, then Cassie turned away. “I got drunk, took some pills, then slit my wrists for good measure.” A bitter, self-condemning laugh followed. “It was sheer stupid luck that anyone found me. I almost died anyway.”
Sheba stared blankly at her for a moment, searching for adequate words, before finally muttering, “I had no idea, Cassie. I knew how he felt about you. His letters…” She still recalled the occasion she had intruded on her father’s privacy on the Pegasus, only to find him staring forlornly at Cassiopeia’s image.
“What his letters didn’t tell you, Sheba,” Cassie’s voice suddenly vehement, “what he couldn’t tell you because he didn’t know himself, was that I…I was pregnant. I was carrying his baby.” She turned to look Sheba directly in the eye. For an instant, Sheba looked as if she’d been hit by a bolt from Heaven. She was still. She didn’t even blink. Even the rumble of the thrusters seemed to fade into the background.
“I…” she managed to get out, brows crumpling, shaking her head in denial.
“And I lost her. I lost her because of my stupidity, and my…my…selfishness and self-pity…” She couldn’t finish, her voice choking off as she drew a gasping breath while she tried to hold in wracking sobs that she had never allowed herself the luxury of letting loose at the time. She pounded a fist on the railing. “Damn, I promised myself I wouldn't get like this!" She took a deep breath. "I killed my…I killed Cain’s…our baby…”
A hundred emotions and impulses raced through Sheba, as her eyes got as big as BaseShips, her old ire foremost among them. Yet what she did surprised even herself. Without pause, she took a step forward and embraced Cassie. She could feel the pent up tension within the woman that she now considered a friend, and then with a shudder, the tides of Cassiopeia’s emotions broke loose. Sheba held her, letting the cascade of guilt and self-loathing run its course. It seemed like centars they stood there, two women linked by circumstance, affections, and now by blood. Or blood spilt. As she held the other, Sheba was again surprised by the depth of her counterpart. Someone she had always seen as an interloper, a home wrecker, a …a slut, had not only shown herself to be as brave as any Warrior, but also as wounded and as penitent as any piece of gutter trash in a skid row mission. She found herself admiring, respecting Cassiopeia even more, even as the other’s flood of agony continued.
“Please…” Cassie sobbed out, almost unable to speak clearly. “Forgive me, Sheba.” She raised red puffy eyes to the other. “I’m so…”
“Shh…” said Sheba, hugging the other closer to her. “There’s nothing to forgive.” she said, louder. “If anyone should have to apologize, it’s me. For not really understanding how much you loved my father.” The two sunk to the floor, crouched on the edge of the steps, and held each other for what seemed like an age. A hundred things swept through Sheba’s mind, like a Viper speeding past at full turbo. Of all the things this day might have brought, and still might bring yet, this had not been on her list of most expected ways to spend the moments before the big battle. Then again, as far as confessions went, it really took the mushie.
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Old August 29th, 2007, 10:24 PM   #2
Shuttle Pilot
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Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: ruidoso, nm
Posts: 13
Default Sirenian Factor: A fateful meeting

A fateful meeting . . . .

The bar was crowded this night, as was the case when a long range patrol ship was due to make a run out past the borders of the Terran Empire. They were not expected to return for at least a year or longer so they were making the most of their remaining time in port while they could. Most ship captains understood the need for this last minute fling and usually made generous allowances for the riotous parties these trips inevitably spawned.
This time, the part was for the crew of the good ship I.S.S Wayfarer, a deep space exploration and survey vessel that was scheduled to head out to the area deep between the Orion and Saggitarian arms of the Milky Way Galaxy, They would literrally be going where no one had gone before, out past the very limits of the Terran Empire and into the unknown reaches of inter galactic space, As such, such a voyage was projected to take the better part of a standard year just to get into the area so that they could begin their mission.
Being well aware of the parameters of their assignment, the commander of the Wayfarer, Captain Chastity Morgan had made sure that she had read the riot act to her crew, chapter and verse, as to their expected behavior while still in port prior to their departure, They were free to party as hard as they liked, just so long as they didn;t destroy any of the buildings on base or cause any excessibe collateral damage during their revelries, And, just to make sure that her crew didn't get too carried away in their celebrations, she had also let it be known that she had put in a request to Fleet Security. Knowing what her crew was capable of she had asked Security to station a large detachment in and around the vicinity where the party was to be held. She wanted to insure that things would be kept firmly under control. She would have liked to have stationed a few of her own security personnel in the area but felt that would have been asking too much of her own people, After all, even a security man need to cut loose once in awhile as well.
At the moment, they all had a bit less than seventy-two hours before the Wayfarer, would at last have to break orbit before heading out into the great unknown. This breif respite would give them all adequate time in order to get the craziness out of their systems that these trips inevitably triggered before reporting to the ship for the mandatory twenty-four hour check-in. This was to make sure that everying was running as it should and that all hands were accounted for before their departure.
By the time that the main offices of the base closed down for the day, the party was in full swing. Those that were about to head out into the Great Unknown were soon joined by other personnel who had either returned from such a mission and wanted to celebrate their safe return, or those that were due to go out themselves in the near future and just wanted to get a jump on the manditory party. Though most of these folks indulged in some rather riotous behavior, there were still those who preferred to just sit quietly, contemplating all that the future might hold for them. One of these outgoing crewman, a tall, statuesque redhead, was just quietly sitting at a table with several of the people she would soon be shipping out with. She had just been assigned to the Deep Space Exploratory vessel Wayfarer, and was just using the time before the final check in to find out all she could about her new home for the foreseeable future.

"So tell me, what's our captain like?" Lieutenant Helena Madson asked quietly as she helted her mug and took a sip of the Rigellian ale she had ordered.

Being a member of the Terran Empire did have its advantages, and one of them was the wide assortment of alcohic and quasi-alcoholic drinks that came from the man worlds to be found on the worlds within the Terran sphere of influence. Most of these drinks were guaranteed to provide the drinker with a real good buzz, but the effect usually didn't last long enough to affect your duties too adversely. This was something that was also taken into consideration with the mandatory twenty-four hour check-in.

Turning her jade green eyes toward her companions after asking this, Helena set her drink down between them as she waited for an answer,
"Who, Chap'n Cas?" Lieutenant Jaimee Ellis replied as she set her own mug of Centauran beer down on the table between them after taking a healty swig. She paused for a moment to push her long blonde hair behind her ear and to release a dainty little belch before finally replying. "Excues me. I meant Chaptain Chastity Morgan," she corrected regally as she also released a dainty little hiccup. She had evidently been sampling quite a few of the available drinks and had gotten just a bit loopy. "'Scuse me," she repeated before continuing, "Chap'n Chas is one of the best skippers its ever been my pleasure to serve under," she added as she turned to gaze none too steadily at the newest member of their crew.
"I've been a member of her crew for the last two years now and I've found that she's a captain that you can depend on no matter what. She's always kept a cool head in a tight situation and has never been known to leave a man - or woman - ." she added with a wink, "behind if she could possible help it," she said as she leaned in close as if to share a great confidence. "Rumor control has it that our good captain is also an esper. That's one of the reasons she's so good at command. 'Can sense trouble 'afore it happens."
"Indeed?" Helena asked in surprise. Now that was indeed interesting. especially since she was an esper herself. That was the main reason she had been assigned to the Wayfarer prior to her departure. The ship's former language instructor had gotten himself killed in a stupid skiing accident and she had been brought in as his replacement. In addition to her linguistic abilities, she was also a telepath, though she had to be in contact with or, at least. very familiar with someone before she could actually initiate any sort of mental communication. She was also able to use a form of precognitive empathy. This allowed her to sense developing situational problems and to give or apply the necessary help or advice in order to get the problem sorted out. This had almost caused her to be posted to the Counselor Service, but she had managed to talk her way out of it.

"I didn't know she was rumored to be an esper," Helena lied as she paused to take another sip of her drink. Being an office, she had long since reported aboard the Wayfarer and from just walking around had sensed that there was another one such as herself on board. She didn't find out exactly who it was until she had reported in to the captain shortly after her arrival. Being an esper herself, they had recognized each other as kindred spirits immediately.
"Yes, well don't let it worry you." another of her companions spoke up. glaring at Jaimee for her apparent indiscretion. "It's by no means a proven facat, and esper or not, she's still our captain." she added, coming to the captain's defense, though in this case it was totally unneeded.
"Hey, Hel's new to the Wayfarer , and I figure she's got a right to know." Jaimee protested, defending herself as she returned the glare. She was just drunk enough that the alcohol was trying to take command of her good senses. And alcohol, in any form makes a very poor pilot. Fortunately, Helena had sensed this and quickly rose to the occasion.
"Hey you two, don't get into a fight on my accound," she responded with a laugh as she attempted to defuse the situation. The girls were friends and it wouldn't do to let them come to blows over such a trivial matter. "I don't mind that someone is an esper," she said in a low voice, in the same manner that Jaimee had used on her. "After all, they're still human, aren't they? And, like the both of you, when it comes right down to it, esper or not, Captain Chas is still the captain!" she declared as she leaned back, holding her mug up for a toast. Seeing this, her other table companions nodded together and raised their own mugs in unison. Their argument safely relegated to the back burner for the moment as they were given something important to drink to.
"To Captain Chas." Jaimee seconded as they all nodded to each other.
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