Welcome to the U.S.S. Alexander installment one.
Well as some of you remember my first ever model was of a Daedalus class and if you remember it was defiantly in need of help (it wasn't even textured
). But anyhoo I've started a new project, and in this project I'm going to attempt to follow the Alexander name up through the ST timeline. So I decided that the first ship to bear the name Alexander would be a Daedalus Class. Well this caused me to go back to my first model and well...weep. So started the ground up building of my Daedalus. This time I used the best reference material I could find and I think this is pretty accurate (well, it's not too bad
) So here it is, the U.S.S. Alexander - Part One...
A man's reach should exceed his grasp, for what else are the stars for.
A 3-D Gladiator
<A HREF="http://www.3dgladiators.net/" TARGET=_blank>
3D Gladiators, modeling the TOS world</A>
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