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On The Horizon Working on something? With a 2D or 3D app? Is it SF - Fantasy - Real world? Let's see it!
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Old February 7th, 2004, 10:52 AM   #1
Fury_of_a_Seraph's Avatar
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Default Drawing of an Alien Species: Andromedan (in case anyone gets bored)

A little background before the image.

This alien species, the Andromedans (from Andromeda IV - hence the name - has nothing to do with the Andromeda Galaxy), are one of 10 races built, by an ancient race, from the genetic stock of Humans.

The Andromedans were made for aquatic worlds. they have fins for manuevering under water, as well as both lungs and gills.

This picture - as per my rather bland description - was done by my wonderful girlfriend.

So what does this have to do with you?
Well i thought if any of you got bored, the idea is here.

And yes this is for another RPG - albeit not from the same one as the Windsailers.

Other races - for which i have not the drawings for yet - include:

The Terrans - essentially human look alikes
The Draconians - reptillian humanoids (think narn with scales)
The Prometheans - a Feline Race (much like the Kzinti from Star Fleet Battles)
The Chimerans - A Psionic Species (if you have ever seen Lilo & Stitch they look kinda like Mdm. President)
The Vegans - A Species built for Micro/Null-G environment (they are as small humanoids only instead of legs they have a second set of arms)
The Icarans - A Species made for mountanous environments (they are as small humanoids but with a pair angelic wings)
The Rigelians - Think Sci-Fi Gnomes
The Archonians - Think Sci-Fi Dwarves
The Hephestian - A Race built for underground environments - they have a third eye in the middle of the forehead
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Old February 7th, 2004, 11:52 AM   #2
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Ooooh, this is great! I like the drawing, though it'd be nice to see some others as well. But I guess there's only so much you can work on and show at any one time, eh?

Very good, anyway. If you come up with more, post it.
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Old February 7th, 2004, 12:00 PM   #3
Fury_of_a_Seraph's Avatar
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Thanks Proximo - but once again, I cannot take credit for the actual drawings - just the concept.

As far as more drawings go - she wants to do a few more andromedans. IE: a male, and a drawings of a male in a Warlock Uniform (Andromedans use Biological ships - Warlocks are specially trained Psions that control them). After that who knows, lol.
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Old February 7th, 2004, 01:12 PM   #4
General Phoenix
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Your girlfriend has done some excellent work, Fury. Be sure to show us the other drawings as she completes them.

Sounds like you've got a good start on that RPG - is there anything more you can tell us about it, concept-wise?
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Old February 7th, 2004, 04:02 PM   #5
Fury_of_a_Seraph's Avatar
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She sends her thanks for the compliment.

Orions' Gauntlet

I suppose the best place to start is the beginning.

2423 AD - Humans discover something called Warpspace. Warpspace is kinda like Babylon 5's Hyperspace with one major difference: Its Layered. What do I mean? Well lets take the first and second layers as an example. Now, lets say this there is a starship that in normal space can go .1 the speed of light (c). If it were to jump into Alpha Warpspace, travel for an hour, and then drop out, it really has moved an entire Lighthour. if it were to do the same at Beta Warpspace it would have gone 10 lighthours so on and so forth.

Great so now humans have a method of getting around the universe. they encounter about a dozen species and eventually for the Galactic Federation - kinda like the roman empire of space - grand and proud.

Great, so why arent humans around in this universe anymore?
Simple, they and nearly all the other races of the galaxy were just about exterminated, only through their adaptability were humans able to survive.

So what happened?
Well, two of the races that were part of the Galactic Federation were very old, ancient, one was the Orions, and the other the Hyperions. They waged full out war with the hellions and after 50 years were able to push them back to beyond the galactic edge.

So, now we have this Barren Galaxy that needs to be repopulated. Really only the humans have enough in numbers to survive, so the Orions took them and divided them up equally and formed all the above races. Each was sent to inhabit worlds in which they were best suited for. Prometheans to Arctic worlds, draconians to volcanic worlds, archonians to high-G worlds, vegans to a humongous stations (yeah, get that, they dont have a homeworld), so on and so forth.

well, after 2000 years one of the races (the Chimerans) step into warpspace for the first time. Now, all throughout this 2000 years the Orions and another ancient race, the Nemeses (who were not involved in the Hellion war, they left everyone else to die) were squabbling.
The Chimerans grew and explored quickly. They were given various technologies by the Orions, and were left to discover others on their own.
Eventually in preperation for war, the Chimerans sided with the Orions, leaving the Nemeses outnumbered.
Now during this preperation another races stepped into the galactic scene, the prometheans.

So what did the Nemeses do? adopted the Prometheans, as the Orions had the Chimerans.
The Nemeses and Orions never actually fired a shot, all the fighting was done with the minor races.

Something to keep in mind. Chimeran society is built in a clan structure. at this time there is the Mindwalker, the Tigerheart, the Star Blades, and the Jade Wolf clans.

after many years of war, neither side had really gained an advantage. Morale was at an all time low. and the most drastic thing happened in Chimeran history. Half of the Jade Wolf Clan defected to the other side! And thus was the Disertion. The remaining Jade Wolf Clan renamed themselves the Blood Spirits, and dedicated themselves to nothing but the eradication of the Jade Wolf Clan.

And they might have pulled it off if it werent for the intervention of the Hyperions. They saw what was happening. As races came into the galactic fold they would go to one side or the other, forever adding to the war.
The Hyperions quickly urged the Ancient races to stay out of site of the Younger and let them develope how they wish.

<Minor Bit of Info>
Realizing the Error of their ways, a group of chimerans formed a new clan: the Void Lancers. They dedicated themselves to isolationistic reformation and advancement.
</Minor bit of Info>
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Old February 7th, 2004, 04:24 PM   #6
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Default Part II

So for another thousand years other races began coming out into the galactic scene. Starting with the Andromedans and the Vegans.

The Andromedans were able to advance quickly because they were placed in the old Hellion Territory. They adapted Hellion technology and it quickly became their own. They grew starships to travel the galaxy, and weapons to defend themselves.

The Vegans were able to advance just as quickly as the Andromedans, but in the opposite direction. Because their homestead was a space station, they quickly learned the nuances of Technology, and fast became the best engineers of the galaxy. They were the ones who first came up with Cybernetic systems and Artificial Intelligence (much like Rommie from the show Andromeda). In fact, the Marine forces of the Vegans are 50% robotic.

Because the Vegans and the Andromedans were so close together they squabbled here and their and because of their different viewpoints, never really got along.

The next species to come up were the Hephestians. They were located farther away from all the races, as much they have always been rather enigmatic to others. They see the rest of the galaxy with a certain amount of Xenophobia. They do not get involved in politics and rarely trade. Because of this isolationism they developed technology that was unthought of by the other races.

Soon after the Hephestians were the Rigelians. These guys are natural schemers and backhanded politicians, as such they never really developed and technology by themselves, but more aquired it by mysterious means. They are rumored to actually have a trade agreement with the Hephestians but i cant realyl say anything.

Two races sprung up nearly on the same day. The Terrans and the Draconians. While they're culture is readically different their technology is nearly the same. Both use Particle and Ion weaponry, they both tend to put emphasis on fighters, etc. etc.
Again, because they sprung up near each other, they never really much got along.

One thing about the Terran empire is that it is run much like Nazi Germany. Very effeciently and very cold-heartedly. The current Emperor is Richard E. Malice. As with any major empire there is a resistance movement, in this case, supported by the Mindwalker Clan. They are known as the Terran Liberation.
Because of the current war with the Draconians, the Empire has not been able to wipe them out, however, quickly McKinnley - the leader of the Liberation, is making his rise

Lastly the final two races to spring up.
In one case a racial lack of understanding kept them from coming up sooner - the Archonians. They never really got along with the heavily intellectual. As individuals they are smart - at times, but as a races, they can be considered a little...slow. Currently the Archonians are in an alliance with the Rigelians after being freed by them from the Draconians, however they are soon realizeing that the Rigelians are treating them only slightly better than the Draconians did.

The Last race to show up were the Icarans. Their lack of advancement can be blamed on internal squabbling. Four houses make up the Icaran Kingdoms - the Arkana, the Vedrin, the Traike, and the Orlin. None of which get along, always they are fighting for the throne, even now.

The thing i love about this game is that its a pen-and-paper. I cant stand all these computer RPG's, in my opinion, they defeat the purpose
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Old February 7th, 2004, 04:58 PM   #7
Fury_of_a_Seraph's Avatar
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Default Concept Pictures

Here are some more Concept shots

These were done by either Atolm (the same guy who did the Windsailers) or by me in 3d Max

This is whats called a Node. You see, in the advanced technology of this universe there is something like the Internet, but its a lot more complex. Its kinda like Tron meets John Pneumonic (which honestly - i couldnt stand that movie). A Node is kinda like a server or a Cyber-City

This is the Prototype for the Excalibur (see below) the flagship of the Terran Liberation. It was given to the Draconian empire and made into the Malestryx.

This is the Final version of the Excalibur project. It incorperates various technologies including an AI system from the Vegans, Graviton Shielding and Weaponry from the Chimerans and a Plasma Array drive from the Icarans

This is what the Caliburn was made into when it was given to the Draconian empire after the loss of their flagship. It was given to them by McKinnley as a sign of good faith.

This is a Sentinel program for the Monolith Node. Its a vicious guardian AI that hunts out any unauthorized programs or personel in the Monolith system. This one is using a Firedrake-module and a Hydra-module both of which increase (for lack of a better term) its Attack rating.

This is another Sentinel program, this one for the Oracle Node. This one is also using a Firedrake-module and also a Guardian-Module (again for lack of a better term, it increases its defense rating).

This is a Vegan Starsoarer class Medium Cruiser.

This is a draconian Vermithrax class heavy cruiser.

This is a Chimeran Void-Crosser class battleship in Mindwalker colors.

This is a Module. Something that is used to enhance a users program (called an avatar). this particular one is a Hermes program - it enables faster movement.

One thing i havent really expanded on is large ground combat
Each race has their own bit of technology for it. Example: The Andromedans use grown creatures to fight their heavy ground battles. the Chimerans sit in a sphere surrounding which are all the bits of technology youd find in a futurstic tank, they use their Psionic gift to control it. The Vegans use their Robotic and Cybernetic forces, the Terrans use Walkers (which are kinda like Battlemechs) and so on and so forth.
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Old February 7th, 2004, 05:37 PM   #8
Fury_of_a_Seraph's Avatar
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Teehee...Nearly forgot
I knew i had one more picture (or so ;-)) lying around.

These are the Prometheans.
They are built for Arctic worlds.
They have advanced technology gained from the Nemeses including a sensor/visual cloak and graviton weaponry, shielding, and drives.
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Old February 10th, 2004, 04:17 PM   #9
Fury_of_a_Seraph's Avatar
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Here is the Completed picture of the Andromedans by my girlfriend

Now bear in mind she admitedly better at drawing females, and is even worse at Profiles.

The One on the Left is whats known as a Warlock. They have a natural psionic gift and use it to control the different Biological units used by the Andromedans.

The Middle is the female in standard uniform and the right is a male in standard uniform.

Is anyone up for Modelling anything?

Lol, and why has there been no "I hate your RPG concept" post after my long-winded explination.
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