Welcome to BetterSpace at ap3d.com Welcome to BetterSpace at ap3d.com

This set of tutorials is designed to help you create better looking, more realistic space scenes in your 3D animation package.

Please note that some of these lessons contain a lot of images and may take some time to download over slower connections.


Building a Better Starfield (Part 1)
Building a Better Starfield (Part 1)
Author: Kier Darby

This first part of the Better Space tutorial will show you how to build a decent starfield to put in your scenes. First, we create the geometry.

Building a Better Starfield (Part 2)

Building a Better Starfield (Part 2)
Author: Kier Darby

Next, we set up surface properties for the stars, and then set them up for rendering.

Building a Better Nebula (Part 1)

Building a Better Nebula (Part 1)
Author: Kier Darby

In this lesson, we will build the geometry and set up the surfaces for a nebula.

Building a Better Nebula (Part 2)

Building a Better Nebula (Part 2)
Author: Kier Darby

Next comes the most important part of the nebula creation process: painting the nebula image map.

Building a Better Nebula (Part 3)

Building a Better Nebula (Part 3)
Author: Kier Darby

To conclude our nebula-building section, we will put the nebula together with our stars, and then look at some ways to affect the look of our nebula at render-time.

Adding Mesh Detail (Part 1)

Adding Mesh Detail (Part 1)
Author: Kier Darby

In this lesson, we will look at enhancing your spaceship / space station models with actual detail on the mesh, rather than texture.

Adding Mesh Detail (Part 2)

Adding Mesh Detail (Part 2)
Author: Kier Darby

Having added detail to flat surfaces that are perpendicular to cardinal axes in the previous lesson, this next lesson will show you how to add detail to flat surfaces at an arbitrary angle to perpendicular axes.

Adding Mesh Detail (Part 3)

Adding Mesh Detail (Part 3)
Author: Kier Darby

Finally, we will add detail to a curved surface.

Modelling Image Maps

Modelling Image Maps
Author: Kier Darby

In this lesson we will look at a technique for modelling image maps for use as diffuse, specular and bump maps.

Painting Custom Image Maps

Painting Custom Image Maps
Author: Kier Darby

The best looking maps are always those that are painted specifically for the model to which they are applied. This lesson shows you how to get started.

Dirtying-Up and Adding Battle Damage

Dirtying-Up and Adding Battle Damage
Author: Kier Darby

An extra level of authenticity can always be lent to your ships and stations if they have a certain feel of having been used. This lesson goes through some techniques that will help you achieve this look.

Lighting Tech-Based Spaceships

Lighting Tech-Based Spaceships
Author: Kier Darby

The element of the scene that is most commonly done badly is the lighting. This lesson aims to help you to improve your lighting techniques, with the end result that your scenes look better. We begin by looking at how to light tech-based ships.

Lighting Organic-based ships

Lighting Organic-based ships
Author: Kier Darby

Having dealt with tech-based ships, we take a brief look at the slightly different requirements of lighting organic, curvy ships.

Beginners' Ship-Building Tutorial (part 1)

Beginners' Ship-Building Tutorial (part 1)
Author: Alexander Shareef

The following series of three lessons written by Alexander Shareef take the beginner modeler through the steps necessary to build and texture an Earth Alliance Shuttle from Babylon 5.

Beginners' Ship-Building Tutorial (part 2)

Beginners' Ship-Building Tutorial (part 2)
Author: Alexander Shareef

With the basic hull in place, the tutorial moves on to create some surface details and nurnies.

Beginners' Ship-Building Tutorial (part 3)

Beginners' Ship-Building Tutorial (part 3)
Author: Alexander Shareef

Modelling complete, we texture the ship and set it up in Layout ready for animation.

Creating Inset Windows on Ships

Creating Inset Windows on Ships
Author: Fabio Passaro

This tutorial written by Fabio Passaro takes you step-by-step through the process necessary to create inset windows, such as those that adorn Star Trek ship hulls.

Pipes and Organic Objects: Rail-Extrude

Pipes and Organic Objects: Rail-Extrude
Author: Fabio Passaro

Rarely used and often misunderstood, Fabio takes you though some of the functions that are made easier through the use of the Rail Extrude tool.

Uses for the Lathe Tool

Uses for the Lathe Tool
Author: Fabio Passaro

The lathe tool can be used for all sorts of purposes, not just creating wine glasses! Fabio shows you how to build the basis of a Vree saucer, and demonstrates how to build a spring with the lathe.

The Famous Whitestar Tutorial

Build Your Own Whitestar
Author: Kier Darby

This huge tutorial aims to guide the user through the process of modelling the Whitestar from Babylon 5 using Lightwave's spline modelling tools. Start with a squiggle, and end up with a Whitestar! This tutorial also contains information on texturing the ship.

If you have a small display, and you would like to view these tutorials outside of the ap3d.com frameset, click here.

I will continue to add lessons to this tutorial series as and when they are completed... right now I am writing a compositing tutorial for you... If you have any comments, questions or suggestions regarding these tutorials, please use the feedback forum at the bottom of each lesson page.

Some of the techniques described here may be familiar to old hands at creating CG space scenes, some may not. My goal is to bring a whole body of knowledge together in order that by the end of these lessons, your space scenes look better than they did before.

I will be writing this tutorial using Lightwave 3D as my animation software and Adobe Photoshop as my image editor, but the techniques described will translate well into almost any software you choose to use.

I am currently using Lightwave [6], and most screengrabs will show this, but if the procedure required for a particular step between Lightwave [6] and older versions is very different I will post two different sets of instructions. Fairly often you will see something like this:

Lightwave [6]

Lightwave 5.6

Do something...

Do something else...

Simply follow the steps appropriate to your own version, Lightwave [6] on the left and Lightwave 5.6 / Inspire on the right.

Special thanks to my beta-buddies; those people who have been following these tutorials as they were written, pointing out errors and wording that makes no sense... Fabio, CAClark, Drakh, Boxy: Thanks.

© 2000 Kier Darby and Alternate Perspective 3D Ltd.